Saturday, 19 March 2016

Lights out, all out

Busy this evening? If you have nothing planned then why not be involved in WWF (World Wide Fund for nature) annual Earth Hour tonight, March the 19th, between 8:30pm and 9:30pm local time.
Earth Hour

What is Earth Hour?
After starting ten years ago it is still being celebrated globally as an event that asks people to switch off their lights for an hour. 


So people can show that they care about the future of the planet and try to raise awareness about climate change through this event.

Whilst Earth Hour is not about trying to see how much energy is saved during the hour, it is about getting us to think about our impact on the world and how we can make our living on this planet more sustainable. 

How easy is it to turn off a light when it is not needed?

Do you leave on every light possible when walking through your home?

Do those lights need to be left on in an empty room?

I know that energy saving light bulbs are now available so it might not seem like a lot to turn off a light, however a small piece of action can make a change.

Just think about that room you have left a light on in, is anyone else in there? Does it need to have its light left on? If the answer is no then switch it off. 

For more information about Earth Hour and how to become involved visit the WWF website: OR 

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